Study Guide
Quality Assurance Policy
1st Semester (30 ECTS Total)
Electrical circuits
- Electrical quantities and calculations
- Methods used for electrical circuit analysis
- Single-phase alternating current circuits analysis
- Symmetrical three-phase alternating current circuits analysis
Electric machines
- Magnetic circuits analysis
- Three-phase transformers
- Three-phase synchronous generators
- Three-phase asynchronous motors
Electric Power Systems
- Electrical energy systems analysis (per unit system)
- Load flow analysis
- Numerical methods for solving load flows
Coordinator: Antonios Kladas
Academic Staff: Pavlos Georgilakis • Aris Dimeas
Lecture hours: 3: • ECTS: 6
Compulsory for: Mechanical Engineers • Chemical Engineers • Civil Engineers • Naval Architecture & Marine Engineers • Other Schools
- Industrial Electronics Levels
- Schematic and operational diagrams
- Industrial Integrated Circuits (i.e. Gates, µP, DSP)
- Semiconductors, semiconductor power switches
- Operational amplifiers
- Industrial power supply
- Relays and applications in automated processes
- Power electronics converter topologies
- Industrial motors and their control
- Basic principles of electric propulsion
- Power quality issues in networks with power electronics
Coordinator: Ioannis Prousalidis
Academic Staff: Antonios Antonopoulos
Lecture hours: 2: • ECTS: 3
Compulsory for: Mechanical Engineers • Chemical Engineers • Naval Architecture & Marine Engineers
Measurements statistics
- Introduction (dispersion parameters, central limit theorem)
- Dispersion parameters distributions (normal, Student, F, X2)
- Trust areas
- Statistical tests (mean value, variation, mean difference, variation ratio, X2 test)
- Error: types – propagation of uncertainty – rounding
- Recursion: least squares, correlation coefficients, RMS
- Linear recursion, recursion errors, recursion parameter tests, correlation coefficient tests, linearization, confidence intervals
- GUM (Guide for the Expression Measurement Uncertainty)
Transducers and measuring devices directly connected to a PC
- Pressure (elastic type transducers, Bourdon tube, piezoelectric transducers, electrical resistance gage, ionization transducer, etc.)
- Supply (Venturi flowmeters, Pitot tubes, turbine flow meters, hot wire anemometer, magnetic flowmeter, coriolis flowmeters etc.)
- Temperature (thermocouples, thermistors, resistance thermometers)
- Humidity (Electronic hygrometer, capacitor hygrometer, etc.)
- Solar radiation (pyranometer, pyrheliometer, etc.)
- Heat Transfer (thermometer etc.)
- ADC characteristics and structure of automated monitoring, recording and measurement processing devices.
- Micro-Electro-Mechanical Measurement Systems (MEMS).
Automatic control systems
- Control = Sensing + Computation +Actuation
- Feedback Principles
- Robustness to Uncertainty
- Design of Dynamics
Fundamental concepts of automatic control
- Feedback
- Stability
- Performance (specifications)
- Robustness
Linear Systems
- Transfer function
- System stability and poles
- Persistent errors and system type
- Transient response
- Analog, integral and differential control (PID control)
- Root locus
- Frequency response
Coordinator: Marios Anagnostakis
Academic Staff: Panagiota Rouni
Lecture hours: 3: • ECTS: 4
Compulsory for: Mechanical Engineers • Chemical Engineers • Naval Architecture & Marine Engineers
- Introduction to thermodynamics, pressure-volume work
- Internal energy and the first law of thermodynamics for a closed system
- Work performed by the system, enthalpy and the first law of thermodynamics for an open system
- Heat capacity, internal energy, enthalpy and entropy
- Characteristic changes of ideal gas
- Thermodynamic gas cycles
- Thermodynamic water vapor cycles
- Cooling cycles
- Exergy system analysis
- Laboratory and computational exercises
- Introduction to Heat Transfer, Modes of heat transfer
- Heat conduction in simple-complex planes, cylindrical and spherical bodies. Transitional phenomena.
- Forced and free convection
- Heat transfer during fluid phase change
- Heat exchangers
- Principles of thermal radiation
- Applications for each individual chapter
- Computer simulation codes
- Laboratory exercises
Coordinator: Irene Koronaki
Lecture hours: 3: • ECTS: 6
Compulsory for: Electrical and Computer Engineers • Civil Engineers • Other Schools
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
- Intensive properties of fluids
- Fluid statics and kinematics, Euler and Lagrange description
- Material and constitutive equations
Conservation Equations in integral and differential forms
- Mass equation
- Momentum equation, Euler, Bernoulli, Navier-Stokes
- Angular momentum equation
- Energy equation / Second law of thermodynamics
Basic Flows Examples
- Irrotational flow of incompressible fluid – Elements of aerodynamics – Flow around solid bodies
- Similarity – Dimensional analysis
- High Reynolds number flows – Boundary layer theory – Stability and turbulent flows
- Internal flows: flow between plates, flow in pipes and calculation of pressure drop in closed ducts.
- Introduction to Hydrodynamic machines. Basic equations, principles of operation, efficiency rating and characteristic operating curves of centrifugal pumps and water turbines. Description of a typical hydroelectric installation and the types of hydroturbines.
Coordinator: Christos Manopoulos
Lecture hours: 2: • ECTS: 3
Compulsory for: Electrical and Computer Engineers
Gas turbines
- Gas turbine cycle (Brayton cycle), cycle form & diagrams, calculation of engine performance from component data. Variations of the simple cycle, cycle with reheating, intermediate cooling, regeneration. The gas turbine as part of a combined cycle. Water & steam injection into gas turbines.
- Operating data and performance of gas turbine components: compressor, combustion chamber, turbine.
- Gas turbine operation analysis and monitoring data.
- Gas turbines morphology.
- Types of gas turbines.
- Gas turbines applications.
- Gas turbines performance.
Steam generators
1. General description of Electricity or Heat Plants.
2. Analysis of Steam Power Plants (SPPs).
- State variables of water – steam,
- SPPs thermal circuits –Rankine cycle,
- Energy losses in SPPs – Efficiency rating – Sankey Diagram,
- Specific heat consumption – kWh cost
3. Energy Flow in a Steam Generator – Losses.
4. Analysis of Steam Power Plants (SPPs).
- Individual sections of SPPs
- Steam Generators, Water Treatment, Steam Turbines, Condensers, Cooling Circuits.
Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines
- General operating principles of reciprocating ICE.
- Four-stroke and two-stroke engines.
- Otto and Diesel engines.
- Heat flow.
- Cooling systems.
- Gas flow.
- Gas exchange processes.
- Scavenging and supercharging systems.
- General preliminary Thermodynamics knowledge.
- Combustion of ideal gas mixtures with variable heat capacities.
Coordinator: Dimitrios Hountalas
Academic Staff: Evangelos Giakoumis • Nikolaos Aretakis
Lecture hours: 3: • ECTS: 4
Compulsory for: Electrical and Computer Engineers • Chemical Engineers • Civil Engineers • Other Schools
- Introduction to Ecological Engineering, Environmental Technologies, Technologies for Recycling and Reuse, "Clean" Technologies.
- Environmental Science: Ecosystems, toxic and organic pollution, liquid - solid and gaseous waste, toxicity and hazard, environmental tolerance limits to pollution, carbon and water footprint, legislation.
- Antipollution - waste stabilization technologies, Chemical and biological waste oxidation used as a basic method of stabilization, dispersion of stabilized waste in surface water receivers.
- Advanced chemical oxidation methods, aerobic and anaerobic biological oxidation - waste stabilization, Removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from liquid waste. Activated sludge systems for urban and industrial wastewater treatment.
- Aerobic biological stabilization of organic solid waste using composting processes, urban solid waste management technologies.
- Calculation examples – Applications.
- Techno-economic and environmental analysis of heating systems.
- Emissions of gaseous pollutants from industrial processes and power plants (CO, NOx, SOx, particles).
- Primary and secondary ways of dealing with pollutants.
- Anti-pollution technology of Thermal power plants.
- CO2 capture and storage & reuse (CCS-CCU).
- Energy storage systems with Power-to-Fuel production.
- Energy utilization of waste and its environmental challenges.
- Life cycle analysis of various energy technologies.
- Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines: Pollutant specifications (NOx, CO, HC, particles), Test cycles of various types of reciprocating ICE, Legislation and manufacturers' philosophy, Dieselgate, Measurement procedure, Real driving emissions.
- Basic mechanisms of pollutant formation from reciprocating ICE, Effect of main operational parameters (load, revolutions, advance).
- Internal anti-pollution measures (advance, exhaust gas recirculation, water injection).
- Exhaust gas after-treatment devices (Three-Way Otto catalyst, Diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC), particulate filters (DPF, GPF), selective catalytic reduction (SCR).
Coordinator: Sotirios Karellas
Academic Staff: Evangelos Giakoumis • Apostolos Vlyssidis
Lecture hours: 3: • ECTS: 5
Compulsory for: Electrical and Computer Engineers • Mechanical Engineers • Chemical Engineers • Civil Engineers • Naval Architecture & Marine Engineers • Other Schools
- Introduction and basic principles
- Financial principles
- Energy economics modeling
- Energy markets
- Oil and natural gas
- Non-renewable energy sources
- Sustainable development
- Policy evaluation
- Introduction to mathematical programming
- AMPL mathematical programming language
- Investments in energy systems
- The DICE model
Coordinator: Anthony Papavasiliou
Lecture hours: 3: • ECTS: 5
Compulsory for: Electrical and Computer Engineers • Mechanical Engineers • Chemical Engineers • Civil Engineers • Naval Architecture & Marine Engineers • Other Schools
1. Low Voltage Electrical Installations
- Wiring diagram
- Electrical installation details:
- Distribution circuits (conductors, cables, panels).
- Interruption/Breaking devices (light switches, disconnectors, load break switches, circuit breakers, timers)
- Consumption devices (lights, electrical devices).
- Protection devices (fuses, MCBs, RCDs, SPDs)
- Electrical Panels
2. Substations
- Introduction
- Structure of medium and high voltage networks
- Distribution substations
- High voltage substations
3. Earthing design and techniques
- Grounding Regulations – Safety Issues
- Basic parameters of electrical fields
- Selection of conductors and joints
- Soil structure and characteristics – Estimation of earthing resistance
- Estimation of maximum network current
4. Lighting Technology
- Light producing mechanisms, human vision, excitation, fluorescence, discharge, light emitting diodes, black-body radiation laws, color temperature, color rendering index, basic quantities of photometry, illumination and colorimetry, photometric laws.
- Brightness and glare, visual comfort conditions,
- Types of light bulbs (incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, high intensity discharge, LED), light bulbs ignition, starter and ballast types, drivers, lighting sensors, automation, central building management systems.
- Principles and methods of interior and exterior lighting design, natural lighting utilization, sunlight utilization architectures (light shelves, phototubes, solar radiation collectors).
- Interior lighting design using natural lighting and outdoor lighting design.
Coordinator: Ioannis Gonos
Academic Staff: Christos Christodoulou
Lecture hours: 2: • ECTS: 3
Compulsory for: Electrical and Computer Engineers • Mechanical Engineers • Chemical Engineers • Naval Architecture & Marine Engineers
- Gas fuels – Classification and characteristics (Calorific value, relative density, pressure, Wobbe index, risks & hazards).
- Resources & Reserves – Properties, transportation and distribution of natural gas – Storage.
- High & Medium Pressure Networks – Transmission System (Design & construction, pipe placement, connection methods, technical rules for medium and high pressure gas installations).
- Indoor Natural Gas installations (Basic concepts, building connection to the natural gas network, underground piping, materials and construction).
- Gas appliances and their connection.
- Legislation – Controls – Maintenance of internal facilities.
- Natural gas applications and purchase.
- Cogeneration of CHP with natural gas: Energy saving and cogeneration.
- Oil reserves, Greek energy balance, oil refineries, Greek and global oil market
- Motor fuels: gasoline and diesel (production, distrinution, properties and specifications) – Laboratory
- Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), aviation fuel, industrial and marine fuel, heating oil
- Environmental effects of petroleum products in the atmosphere and the sea
- Solid Fuels Classification – Petrographic characterizations – Coals characterization – Composition and calorific value – Solid fuel reserves – Reserves classification – Mining costs – Lignite production – Covering Greek energy needs from lignite – New mineral deposits.
- Solid fuels and global energy market – Solid fuels market structure– Economic regulations, subsidies, taxes – Coal industry support – Political and social facts regarding solid fuels production and exploitation – European Union and Greece Strategies.
- Technological developments in solid fuels combustion (Fuel preparation before combustion – Techniques of solid fuels combustion with reduced emissions, “Clean carbon technologies”) – Environmental impacts from solid fuels usage.
- Qualitative and quantitative analysis of combustion phenomena.
- Classification of combustion phenomena - Reactions, Flames - Flames classification.
- Flame temperature: enthalpy of formation, thermochemical laws, enthalpy of reaction, adiabatic flame temperature
- Stoichiometric combustion, Fir-fuel ratio, Simultaneous combustion of multiple fuels, Incomplete combustion.
- Stoichiometry exercises.
Coordinator: Fanourios Zannikos
Academic Staff: Dimitrios Karonis
Lecture hours: 2: • ECTS: 4
Compulsory for: Electrical and Computer Engineers • Mechanical Engineers • Civil Engineers • Naval Architecture & Marine Engineers • Other Schools
School (graduate diploma) | Courses |
Electrical and Computer Engineers | 803 • 804 • 805 • 825 • 826 • 827 • 837 |
Mechanical Engineers | 800 • 801 • 802 • 825 • 826 • 827 • 837 |
Chemical Engineers | 800 • 801 • 802 • 805 • 825 • 826 • 827 |
Civil Engineers | 800 • 803 • 805 • 825 • 826 • 837 |
Naval Architecture & Marine Engineers | 800 • 801 • 802 • 825 • 826 • 827 • 837 |
Other Schools | 800 • 803 • 805 • 825 • 826 • 837 |
2nd Semester (30 ECTS Total)
1. Power plants with steam generators and steam turbines
- Thermodynamic Cycles of thermal power plants and their optimization
- Power plants using fossil fuels and renewable resources
- Use of existing units in the Post-lignite era.
2. Gas Turbine Power Plants - Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant
- Thermodynamic Cycles of Gas Turbine Systems and their optimization
- Gas turbine power plants
- Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant,
- Thermodynamic Cycles of combined cycle power plants and their optimization
- Use of renewable resources and hydrogen in combined cycles.
3. Co-generation
- Definition and historical development of Co-generation.
- Modern Co-generation Technologies
- Co-generation plants with steam turbines, gas turbines, reciprocating internal combustion engines, fuel cells, Stirling engines, combined cycle, organic fluid cycle.
- Energy specifics of Co-generation plants
- Definitions of efficiency rating, electricity to heat ratio, fuel energy saving ratio. Energy characteristics of different types of Co-generation systems.
- Industrial Co-generation and examples.
4. Decentralized thermal power plants
- Organic Rankine cycle and its application
- Utilization of renewable energy sources in decentralized thermal stations
- Utilization of heat waste in industrial applications
- Solar thermal power plants
- Co-generation power plants with renewable resources and geothermal energy
- Hybrid thermal power plants.
5. Nuclear Power Plants
- Techno-economic data and costs compared to other power plants, relative competition
- Accidents per GWh, major accidents, consequences on human life, economic consequences
- Waste per GWh, waste management methods
- Reactor technology, boiling water reactors, pressurized water reactors, liquid metal cooled reactors and SMR reactors
- High pressure saturated steam Rankine cycle
- Nuclear Power Plants and Greece, nuclear technology of neighbor countries, possible effect of nuclear reactors in the Greek Network.
Coordinator: Sotirios Karellas
Academic Staff: Nick Petropoulos • Emmanuel Kakaras
Lecture hours: 2: • ECTS: 4
Compulsory for: -
- Basic distributed generation technologies
- Connection of distributed generation units to the distribution network
- Network connection technical alternatives, infrastructure development, ownership, grid charges
- Technical limitations and conditions: Adequacy, short-circuit level, voltage quality, protection
- Analysis techniques
- Distributed energy storage resources and demand flexibility
- Impact of distributed resources on distribution network design and operation (voltage regulation, losses, upgrading and expansion of networks, etc.)
- Active distribution networks – Autonomous systems – Microgrids
Coordinator: Stavros Papathanassiou
Academic Staff: Nikolaos Hatziargyriou
Lecture hours: 1: • ECTS: 2
Compulsory for: -
1. Transportation and Energy – Introduction: Energy consumption as a design factor in the transportation sector, Specific energy consumption of various means of transport, Introduction to Transportation Networks, Operation-Performance Relationships.
2. Long-distance Road Transportation: The concepts of transport corridor, theoretical and practical route capacity. Means of transport and infrastructure characteristics. The role of infrastructure in bridging long-distance routes. Operating costs of transportation networks. Calculation methods.
3. Urban Road Transportation - Parking: Factors affecting energy consumption such as urban route characteristics, roads, road signs, weather conditions, traffic conditions, vehicle and type of fuel. Considering parking having positive and negative effects on energy consumption.
4. Transport Fuels: Land Transport, Petrol and Diesel vehicles. Alternative fuels. Properties, Specifications, Developments in the European Union and Internationally. Transportation, Distribution and Availability of Fuels: Crude Oil. Available products. Pipes, Sea transport, Land transport.
5. Pollution: Gas engines, Diesel engines, Alternative fuel engines. Marine pollution originating from fuel transportation by oil tankers and ways to deal with it.
6. Rail and Air Transport: Types of energy used in rail transport (diesel, electricity and biofuels). Consumption calculations. High speed networks. Energy saving. Aircraft types (size, technology). Characteristics of air routes (distance, speed).
7. Maritime Transport (excluding fuel) and Combined Transport: Factors affecting energy consumption in maritime transport. Definition and types of combined transport. Influence of cargo unitization methods and means of transport on energy consumption. Operation of terminals and related equipment: influence of these characteristics in energy consumption.
8. Transportation Systems Control & Demand Management: The concept of transportation network optimization, Limitations, Applications. Demand management methods, Impact and Feedback, Integrated Systems.
9. New Communication Technologies – Prospects: Methods and means facilitating transportation substitution, Applications fields, Calculations, Impacts, Research areas, Limitations and Prospects for the introduction of new technologies in Transportation.
10. Vehicle electric motors: Electric vehicle batteries. Battery chargers.
11. Fuel cells: Basic operating principles. Theoretical Power, Efficiency rating, Characteristic Operating Curves of Ideal and Real Fuel Cells, Fuel Cell Applications, Electrodes – Electrolytes – Regenerative Equipment.
12. Complete Design of Electric, Hybrid and Alternative fuel Vehicles: Selection of appropriate energy storage and propulsion subsystems. Selection of subsystem location and layout. Effects on vehicle performance, dynamic performance and safety, in case of accident (e.g. crash).
13. Fuel Data for Automotive Applications:
- Basic operating principles. Theoretical Power, Efficiency rating, Characteristic Operating Curves of Ideal and Real Fuel Cells.
- Categories of fuel cells and their application areas. Special types of fuel cells. Basic economic data regarding acquisition and operation cost of fuel cells. Examples.
- Efficiency rating, Theoretical Electrical Energy and Power. Electrodes - Electrolytes - Regenerative Equipment.
Coordinator: Konstantinos Gkiotsaliti
Academic Staff: Dimitrios Karonis • Antonios Kladas • Dimitrios Hountalas
Lecture hours: 3: • ECTS: 4
Compulsory for: -
Economic analysis
- Basic economic and technical concepts in electric power systems
- Production
- Transmission / distribution
- Consumption
- System operation and energy markets operation
- Electric power systems operation
- Energy markets operation
- Linear programming
- Linear programming models
- Simplex algorithm and sensitivity analysis
- Duality
- Financial allocation
- The economic dispatch model
- Competitive market equilibrium
- Optimal load flow
- Network access pricing
- Locational Marginal Pricing
- Rent and congestion charges
- Zonal pricing
- "INC-DECgaming" Zonal Market Manipulation Strategy
- Reserves
- Reserves categories
- Reserves optimization models
- Simultaneous energy and reserves auction
- Serial energy and reserves auction
- Clearing multiple reserve types
- Balancing
- Unit commitment
- Pre-Market operations, and real-time operations
- Optimization models for unit commitment
- Market planning for unit commitment
- Risk management
- Forward contracts
- Financial Transmission Rights (FTRs)
- Options
- Power adequacy
- Central electric power systems planning
- Decentralized electric power systems planning
- Power adequacy markets
Operational reliability
- Basic principles of technological systems reliability
- Modeling system reliability using probability distributions
- Numerical techniques for calculating complex technological systems reliability
- Operational reliability of electricity production systems
- Reliability of combined electricity transmission system operation
- Reliability Cost
- Electric power system design with reliability cost criteria
Coordinator: Pavlos Georgilakis
Academic Staff: Anthony Papavasiliou
Lecture hours: 3: • ECTS: 5
Compulsory for: -
- Wind characteristics – Measurements – Estimation of wind power potential
- Wind turbine aerodynamics
- Wind turbines configuration – General characteristics – Wind Farms
- Power curve
- Installation site selection – Wind farm design
- Power control of wind turbines
- Fixed and variable speed operation
- Electrical components and control of wind turbines: Configuration, electric generators, power converters, grid connection and compensation configurations
- Electrical networks of wind farms
- Quality of generated power
- Calculation of generated energy of wind turbines and wind farms: Calculation without penetration restrictions. Assessment methodology in autonomous island systems.
- Calculation of Production Costs – Financial viability
- Hydraulic energy and its utilization (small and large scale)
- Main characteristics that differentiate small from large Hydroelectric Projects (HPP)
- Energy flow in HPPs and criteria for selecting appropriate location along a watercourse
- Hydrologic cycle, basic hydrological characteristics, processing of hydrological data and calculation of produced energy
- Water extraction and water supply projects. Penstock sizing and optimization
- Hydro turbines: types and standardization of small hydro turbines, their operating characteristics, cavitation phenomenon, installation level
- Electrical equipment of small HPPs: generators (synchronous, asynchronous) transformers, operation automation.
- Transient effects of small HPPs
- Economics of small HPPs and their techno-economic assessment
- Applications-topics regarding intake pipe optimization and calculation of generated energy.
Coordinator: Stavros Papathanassiou
Academic Staff: Vasilis Riziotis • George Tsekouras
Lecture hours: 3: • ECTS: 4
Compulsory for: -
- Solar radiation, direct and diffuse radiation component, spectral distribution and attenuation in the atmosphere, calculation of radiation on inclined and moving planes, measurement methods.
- Flat plate collectors theory. Concentrating collectors. Active and passive solar systems.
- Solar heating facilities. Calculation methods for thermal solar systems. Energy storage. Solar cooling systems.
- Mechanical work production systems. Solar ponds. Other applications. Financial issues.
- Importance, current situation and development prospects of PV production.
- Photovoltaic installations (PV generators: PV element technologies, PV frames, main technical and functional characteristics, equivalent circuit).
- Power converters for PV plants – MPPT control.
- PV installations: Configuration-development-construction of PV stations.
- Energy and economic characteristics, market integration.
- Geothermal resources of high, medium and low enthalpy, geographical identification, energy quantities. Operating and utilization systems, applications.
- Geothermal resources capacity assessment methods. Mathematical models for calculating relative quantities.
- Ways of exploiting shallow geothermal energy.
- Introduction – Biological Resources and Systems – Bioresources Potential Assessment
- Biomass as an Energy Source – Management of Bioresources for Energy Purposes
- Thermal Methods of Biomass Conversion for Energy Production - Combustion
- Other Thermal Methods – Gasification – Pyrolysis – Combined Combustion with Coal
- Biological Conversion Methods – Bioethanol – Biodiesel – Biogas – Composting
- Economic, Environmental, Social aspects – Non-energy Applications – Policy Framework
- Laboratory A: BIOTOPOS Unit – Laboratory of Chem. Eng. Department, National Technical University of Athens Campus, Zografou
- Laboratory B: Energy Utilization of Heat Engines, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Patisia Complex, NTUA
Coordinator: Stavros Papathanassiou
Academic Staff: Gerasimos Lyberatos • Christos Tzivanidis • Michail Vrachopoulos • Braimakis Konstantinos
Lecture hours: 3: • ECTS: 4
Compulsory for: -
Passive Systems
1. Building and urban space bioclimatic design-redesign
- Brief historical introduction to the urban space evolution and energy needs
- Solar geometry, insolation, building or urban area shading. Building area climate and microclimate
- Principles of bioclimatic planning. Heating and cooling strategy. Natural lighting
2. Thermal energy in buildings, thermal losses and gains.
- Building shell construction materials contribution (shell structure-shape, insulations, etc.)
- Energy saving in building facilities
- Legislation.
- Energy audits and inspections
- Central building management systems (smart buildings)
- Calculation software and examples of building energy behavior.
Active Systems
- Energy Saving in Buildings - Zero Energy Buildings - European Guidelines - Examples of International Practice
- TEE KENAK - Energy Performance Study - Energy Inspection
- Thermal energy production technologies – Laboratory
- Power generation technologies – Laboratory
- Solar Cooling Technologies – Laboratory
- Heat storage technologies – Laboratory
- New materials and nanotechnology
- Carbon footprint CO2 (Carbon footprint) – Definition, calculation methodology, applications
- CO2 capture technologies, applications.
Coordinator: Irene Koronaki
Academic Staff: Sotirios Karellas
Lecture hours: 2: • ECTS: 3
Compulsory for: -
- Introduction, necessity - activities and processes relevant to energy management.
- Energy accounting, energy cost centers, energy balances and evaluation indicators.
- Energy inspection/auditing (brief - analytical procedure).
- Energy management, monitoring and targeting.
- Financial evaluation, modern financial methods of energy investments (Third Party Financing, Built Operate Transfer, etc.).
- Case studies of energy management in industrial and building facilities.
- Energy projects planning (basic concepts, preliminary feasibility analysis, definition of successful implementation indicators, analytical planning techniques, implementation planning)
- Energy projects management (definition of project processes, time-routing techniques, budget, risk analysis, project results utilization plan)
- Management evaluation of energy projects (evaluation of project results and effectiveness of management methods).
Coordinator: Haris Doukas
Academic Staff: Vangelis Marinakis
Lecture hours: 2: • ECTS: 3
Compulsory for: -
Coordinator: Panayiotis Tsanakas
Academic Staff: George Korres • Nikolaos Hatziargyriou
Lecture hours: 1: • ECTS: 1
Compulsory for: -
3rd Semester (30 ECTS Total)
MSc thesis preparation